"Credit rating is a way to evaluate the credit status of borrowers, companies or countries. This assessment is usually carried out by professional institutions, such as Standard Purcera, Moody's, and Fitch. The results of rating are usually a letter level. For example, AAA, BBB, or D.
The purpose of credit rating is to help investors decide whether to buy a bond or other investment products. The rating can provide a basic risk instruction so that investors can better understand the risks they may face.
Credit rating is usually based on a variety of factors, such as the repayment history of the borrower, the debt burden, the balance sheet and the future cash flow forecast. The higher the rating, the smaller the credit risk of the borrower, and the corresponding bond yields are usually lower. Conversely, the lower the rating, the greater the borrower's credit risk, and the corresponding bond yields are usually higher.
In general, credit rating is a very important indicator, which is of great significance for borrowers and investors. It can help borrowers get better conditions during financing, and can also help investors make more wise investment decisions. "