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    About XLMUSDT

    "Stellar Lumens (XLM) and Tether (USDT) are both digital currencies, but they have very different positioning and functions. Stellar Lumens is an open-source cryptocurrency designed to facilitate fast and Low-cost cross-border payment, while also supporting the development and deployment of decentralized applications. Tether is a stable currency designed to provide a relatively stable value storage and transaction medium for digital currency transactions.

    The founder of Stellar is Jed McCaleb, who is also one of the founders of Ripple. Stellar uses a consensus algorithm called "Stellar Consensus Protocol", which can achieve fast transaction confirmation and low-cost transaction fees, making Stellar have a wide range of applications in international remittances, cross-border payments, and financial services. Application prospects.

    Tether, by contrast, is a stablecoin whose value has always remained around $1. Its supply is backed by a reserve of dollars, which guarantees that its value will always match that of the dollar. Tether is mainly used as a trading medium and value storage tool in digital currency transactions. Its price is relatively stable and can reduce risks in digital currency transactions.

    In general, the value positioning and application scenarios of Stellar Lumens and Tether are very different. Stellar is mainly used for international remittances and cross-border payments, as well as the development and deployment of decentralized applications, while Tether is mainly used for value storage and transaction medium in digital currency transactions. According to your own needs and investment purposes, you can choose the appropriate digital currency for investment and trading. "

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