15 Year Mortgage Rate
3 Year Note Yield
30 Year Mortgage Rate
4 Week Bill Yield
7 Year Note Yield
API Crude Imports
API Crude Runs
API Cushing Number
API Distillate Stocks
API Gasoline Stocks
API Heating Oil
API Product Imports
Auto Exports
Average Hourly Earnings YoY
Average House Prices
Average Mortgage Size
Building Permits MoM
Case Shiller Home Price Index MoM
Case Shiller Home Price Index YoY
CFNAI Employment Index
CFNAI Personal Consumption and Housing Index
CFNAI Production Index
CFNAI Sales Orders and Inventories Index
CO2 Emissions
Composite Leading Indicator
Consumer Confidence Current Conditions
Consumer Confidence Economic Expectations
Core Inflation Rate MoM
Core PCE Price Index Annual Change
Core PCE Price Index MoM
Core PCE Prices QoQ
Core Producer Prices MoM
Core Producer Prices YoY
Coronavirus Cases
Coronavirus Deaths
Coronavirus Recovered
Coronavirus Vaccination Rate
Coronavirus Vaccination Total
CPI Median
CPI seasonally adjusted
CPI Trimmed-Mean
Credit Card Accounts
Crude Oil Imports
Current Account Goods
Current Account Services
Cushing Crude Oil Stocks
Dallas Fed Manufacturing Employment Index
Dallas Fed Manufacturing New Orders Index
Dallas Fed Manufacturing Prices Paid Index
Dallas Fed Manufacturing Production Index
Dallas Fed Manufacturing Shipments Index
Dallas Fed Services Index
Dallas Fed Services Revenues Index
Debt Balance Auto Loans
Debt Balance Credit Cards
Debt Balance Mortgages
Debt Balance Student Loans
Debt Balance Total
Distillate Fuel Production
Distillate Stocks
Effective Federal Funds Rate
Employment Cost Index Benefits
Employment Cost Index Wages
Energy Inflation
Existing Home Sales MoM
Export Prices MoM
Export Prices YoY
Exports of ADP Equipment and Office Machines
Exports of Advanced Technology Prd
Exports of Agl. Mats. For Farming, Unmanufactured
Exports of Agricultural
Exports of Agricultural Commodities
Exports of Agricultural, Ism
Exports of Agrl. Machinery & Equipment
Exports of Aircraft Launching Gear
Exports of Alcoholic Bevg. Exc. Wine & Related Pr
Exports of Aluminum & Alumina
Exports of Apparel, Footwear & Household
Exports of Artwork, Antiques & Stamps
Exports of Atp - Information and Communications
Exports of Audio Visual Tapes & Other Media
Exports of Automotive
Exports of Automotive Tires & Tubes
Exports of Automotive Vehicles
Exports of Automotive Vehicles, Parts & Engines
Exports of Autos and Parts
Exports of Bakery & Confectionery Products
Exports of Bodies & Chassis For Passenger Cars
Exports of Books, Magazines & Other Printed
Exports of Building Materials
Exports of Business Machinery & Eqpt.
Exports of Business Machinery & Equipment
Exports of Capital Goods
Exports of Capital Goods (except Automotive Vehic
Exports of Capital Goods, Except Automotive
Exports of Chemicals - Cosmetics
Exports of Chemicals - Dyeing
Exports of Chemicals - Fertilizers
Exports of Chemicals - Inorganic
Exports of Chemicals - Medicinal
Exports of Chemicals - Organic
Exports of Chemicals - Plastics
Exports of Chemicals Excluding Medicinals
Exports of Cigars, Cigarettes, Other Tobacco
Exports of Civilian Aircraft
Exports of Civilian Aircraft & Engines
Exports of Clothing
Exports of Coal
Exports of Coals & Related Fuels
Exports of Coins, Gems, Jewelry & Collectibles
Exports of Complete & Assembled, New & Used
Exports of Computer Accessories, Peripherals & Pa
Exports of Computers
Exports of Computers, Peripherals & Semiconductors
Exports of Consumer Durables & Nondurables
Exports of Consumer Durables Unmanufactured
Exports of Consumer Durables, Manufactured
Exports of Consumer Goods
Exports of Consumer Goods (nonfood), Except Au
Exports of Consumer Nondurables, Manufactured Exc
Exports of Consumer Nondurables, Unmanufactured
Exports of Cookware, Chinaware, Cutlery, House &
Exports of Copper
Exports of Cork, Wood, and Lumber
Exports of Corn
Exports of Cotton & Other Natural Fiber Cloth
Exports of Cotton Including Linters, Raw
Exports of Crude Fertilizers and Minerals
Exports of Crude Oil
Exports of Dairy Products & Eggs
Exports of Domestic Exports of N.e.c.
Exports of Domestic Exports of N.e.c. Total
Exports of Drilling & Oil Field Eqp.
Exports of Electric & Electric Generating
Exports of Electric Apparatus & Parts
Exports of Electric Energy
Exports of Electric Generating & Electric Eqp.
Exports of Electrical Machinery
Exports of Engines & Engine Parts
Exports of Engines & Turbines For Military
Exports of Engines For Civilian Aircraft
Exports of Excavating, Paving & Cnstr. Mach.
Exports of Exports of N.e.c./reexports Of
Exports of Feedstuff
Exports of Fertilizers, Pesticides & Insecticides
Exports of Finished Metal Shapes
Exports of Finished Metal Shapes & Adv. Metals
Exports of Finished Textile Supplies
Exports of Fish & Shellfish
Exports of Fish and Preparations
Exports of Food & Tobacco Processing Mach.
Exports of Food, Feeds & Beverages
Exports of Foods, Feeds & Beverages
Exports of Foods, Feeds, and Beverages
Exports of Footwear
Exports of Fruits & Preparations, Incl.frozen Jui
Exports of Fuel Oil
Exports of Fuels & Lubricants
Exports of Furniture and Bedding
Exports of Furniture, Household Items
Exports of Gem Diamonds & Other Gem Stones
Exports of General Industrial Machines
Exports of Generators, Transformers & Acces.
Exports of Glassplate & Sheets
Exports of Glassware & Porcelain
Exports of Gold, Nonmonetary
Exports of Goods & Services
Exports of Goods - 3 Months Moving Average
Exports of Goods On A Balance of Payments Basis
Exports of Hides & Skins & Fur Skin, Raw
Exports of Home Entertainment Equipment
Exports of Household & Kitchen Appliances
Exports of Household Goods
Exports of iletries & Cosmetics
Exports of Industrial & Service Machinery
Exports of Industrial Engines, Pumps
Exports of Industrial Inorganic Chemicals
Exports of Industrial Organic Chemicals
Exports of Industrial Rubber Products
Exports of Industrial Supplies
Exports of Industrial Supplies & Materials
Exports of Industrial Supps (incl Petrol Prd)
Exports of Industrial Textile Fibers, Yarn, Fabric
Exports of Industrial Textiles, Sewing
Exports of Iron & Steel Mill Products
Exports of Iron & Steel Prds. Exc. Advanced Mfg.(
Exports of Iron & Steel Products
Exports of Jewelry
Exports of Laboratory Testing & Control Instr.
Exports of Leather & Fur, Unmanufactured
Exports of Live Animals
Exports of Logs, Lumber, Plywood & Veneers
Exports of Lumber & Other Wood Supplies
Exports of Machine Tools, Metal Working
Exports of Manmade Cloth & Thread & Cordage
Exports of Manufactured Goods
Exports of Marine Engines & Parts
Exports of Materials Handling Equipment
Exports of Measuring, Testing & Control Instrumen
Exports of Meat and Preparations
Exports of Meat, Poultry & Other Edible Animals
Exports of Medicinal, Dental & Pharmaceutical
Exports of Metal Manufactures, N.e.s.
Exports of Metal Ores and Scrap
Exports of Metallurgical Grade Coal
Exports of Metalworking Machines
Exports of Military Aircrafts
Exports of Military Apparel & Footwear
Exports of Military Trucks, Armored Vehicles
Exports of Mineral Supplies, Manufactured
Exports of Minimum Value Shipments
Exports of Miscellaneous Domestic Exports Of
Exports of Musical Instruments, Photographic
Exports of NAICS - Agricultural Forestry & Fisher
Exports of NAICS - Agricultural Products
Exports of NAICS - Apparel and Accessories
Exports of NAICS - Beverages and Tobacco
Exports of NAICS - Chemicals
Exports of NAICS - Computers & Electronic Products
Exports of NAICS - Electrical Equipment, Applianc
Exports of NAICS - Fabricated Metal Products
Exports of NAICS - Fish and Other Marine Products
Exports of NAICS - Food and Kindred Products
Exports of NAICS - Forestry Products
Exports of NAICS - Furniture and Fixtures
Exports of NAICS - Goods Returned Or Reimported
Exports of NAICS - Leather and Allied Products
Exports of NAICS - Livestock and Livestock Produc
Exports of NAICS - Machinery Except Eletrical
Exports of NAICS - Manufacturing
Exports of NAICS - Minerals & Ores
Exports of NAICS - Mining
Exports of NAICS - Misc Manufactured Commodities
Exports of NAICS - Miscellaneous Manufactured Com
Exports of NAICS - Nonmetallic Mineral Products
Exports of NAICS - Oil & Gas
Exports of NAICS - Petroleum & Coal Products
Exports of NAICS - Plastic & Rubber Products
Exports of NAICS - Primary Metal Products
Exports of NAICS - Printing, Publishing & Similar
Exports of NAICS - Scrap & Waste
Exports of NAICS - Textile and Fabrics
Exports of NAICS - Textile Mill Products
Exports of NAICS - Transportation Equipment
Exports of NAICS - Used Or Second Hand Merchandise
Exports of NAICS - Wood Products
Exports of Natural Gas
Exports of Natural Gas Liquids & Manufactured Gas
Exports of Net Adjustments
Exports of Newsprint & Other Paper Products
Exports of Non Petroleum
Exports of Nonagricultural Excluding Fuels
Exports of Nonagricultural, Fish & Bevg.
Exports of Nonagricultural, Fish & Bevg. Total
Exports of Nonelectrical Machinery
Exports of Nonfarm Tractors & Parts
Exports of Nonferrous & Other Metals
Exports of Nonmetallic Minerals, N.e.c.
Exports of Nonmonetary Gold
Exports of Nonreceipt of Documents
Exports of Nontextile Apparel, Footwear
Exports of Nontextile Floor & Wall Tiles
Exports of Nuclear Fuel Mats. & Fuels
Exports of Numismatic Coins
Exports of Nursery Stock, Cut Flowers
Exports of Nuts & Preparations
Exports of Oil Drilling, Mining
Exports of Oils and Fats of Vegetable
Exports of Oth. Scientific, Medical & Hospital Eq
Exports of Other Agricultural Foods
Exports of Other Agricultural Materials
Exports of Other Agricultural Materials, X10130
Exports of Other Agricultural Mats., Manufactured
Exports of Other Animal Feeds, N.e.c.
Exports of Other Chemicals
Exports of Other Coal & Related Fuels
Exports of Other Commercial Vessels
Exports of Other Consumer Nondurables
Exports of Other Feedgrains
Exports of Other Foods, Lard, Soft Bev. & Spices
Exports of Other Goods
Exports of Other Industrial Machinery
Exports of Other Manufactured & Unmanufactured
Exports of Other Materials, Hair & Waste Mats.
Exports of Other Merchandise
Exports of Other Non Agl. Foods
Exports of Other Nonagricultural Industrial
Exports of Other Nonferrous Metals
Exports of Other Oilseeds & Food Oils
Exports of Other Parts & Accessories
Exports of Other Petroleum Products
Exports of Other Precious Metals
Exports of Other Products, Notions, Writing & Art
Exports of Other Shingles Molding & Wallboard
Exports of Other, Clocks & Portable Typewriters
Exports of Paper & Paper Base Stocks
Exports of Paper and Paperboard
Exports of Paper Base Stocks, Pulpwood & Woodpulp
Exports of Paper Products
Exports of Parts For Civilian Aircraft
Exports of Parts, Engines, Bodies & Chassis
Exports of Parts, Special Category Goods, N.e.c.
Exports of Passenger & Cargo Vessels
Exports of Passenger Cars, New & Used
Exports of Petroleum & Products
Exports of Petroleum Preparations
Exports of Photo & Other Service Industry Machine
Exports of Photographic Equipment
Exports of Plastic Materials
Exports of Pleasure Boats & Motors
Exports of Power Generating Machines
Exports of Pulp & Paper Machinery
Exports of Pulp and Waste Paper
Exports of Radios, Phonographs & Tape Decks
Exports of Railway Transportation Eqp.
Exports of Railway Transportation Equipment
Exports of Records, Tapes & Disks
Exports of Recreational Eqp. & Mats.
Exports of Rice & Other Food Grains
Exports of Rugs & Other Textile Floor
Exports of Scientific & Medical Machinery
Exports of Scientific Instruments
Exports of Selected Building Mats. Except Metals
Exports of Semiconductors
Exports of Services - 3 Months Moving Average
Exports of Soybeans
Exports of Soybeans & Oth. Oil Seeds
Exports of Spacecraft, Engine & Parts
Exports of Special Category
Exports of Special Category Total
Exports of Special Category, X500
Exports of Special Mining & Oil Processing Eqp.
Exports of Specialized Industrial Machines
Exports of Sporting & Camping Apparel
Exports of Steelmaking & Ferroalloying
Exports of Steelmaking & Ferroalloying Materials
Exports of Synthetic Rubber, Primary
Exports of Tanks, Artillery & Missiles
Exports of Telecommunications Equipment
Exports of Textile Apparel, Footwear
Exports of Textile Yarn, Fabric
Exports of Total Agriculture
Exports of Total Nonagriculture
Exports of Transportation Equipment
Exports of Travel Goods
Exports of Trucks, Buses & Spcl. Purpose Vehicle,
Exports of Tv Receivers & Video Receivers
Exports of Tv S, Vcr S, Etc.
Exports of Vegetables & Preparations
Exports of Vegetables and Fruits
Exports of Vehicles
Exports of Vehicles, Passenger
Exports of Vessels
Exports of Wheat
Exports of Wheat & Rice
Exports of Wine & Related Products
Exports of Wood Manufactures
Exports of Wood Supplies, Manufactured
Exports of Woodworking, Glass Working
Exports of ys, Shooting & Sporting Goods
Exports to Afghanistan
Exports to Africa
Exports to Albania
Exports to Algeria
Exports to Andorra
Exports to Angola
Exports to Anguilla
Exports to Antigua
Exports to APEC
Exports to Argentina
Exports to Armenia
Exports to Aruba
Exports to ASEAN
Exports to Asia South
Exports to Australia
Exports to Austria
Exports to Azerbaijan
Exports to Bahamas
Exports to Bahrain
Exports to Bangladesh
Exports to Barbados
Exports to Belarus
Exports to Belgium
Exports to Belize
Exports to Benin
Exports to Bermuda
Exports to Bhutan
Exports to Bolivia
Exports to Bosnia and Herzegovina
Exports to Botswana
Exports to Brazil
Exports to British Virgin Islands
Exports to Brunei
Exports to Bulgaria
Exports to Burkina
Exports to Burma
Exports to Burundi
Exports to Cambodia
Exports to Cameroon
Exports to Canada
Exports to Cape Verde
Exports to Cayman Islands
Exports to Central African Republic
Exports to Chad
Exports to Chile
Exports to China
Exports to Christmas Island
Exports to Cocos Islands
Exports to Colombia
Exports to Comoros
Exports to Congo
Exports to Cook Islands
Exports to Costa Rica
Exports to Croatia
Exports to Cuba
Exports to Cyprus
Exports to Czech Republic
Exports to Denmark
Exports to Djibouti
Exports to Dominica
Exports to Dominican Republic
Exports to East Timor
Exports to Ecuador
Exports to Egypt
Exports to El Salvador
Exports to Equatorial Guinea
Exports to Eritrea
Exports to Estonia
Exports to Ethiopia
Exports to Europe
Exports to European Union
Exports to Falkland Islands
Exports to Faroe Islands
Exports to Federal States of Micronesia
Exports to Fiji
Exports to Finland
Exports to France
Exports to French Guiana
Exports to French Polynesia
Exports to French Southern Antarctic
Exports to Gabon
Exports to Gambia
Exports to Georgia
Exports to Germany
Exports to Ghana
Exports to Gibraltar
Exports to Greece
Exports to Greenland
Exports to Grenada
Exports to Guadeloupe
Exports to Guatemala
Exports to Guinea
Exports to Guinea Bissau
Exports to Guyana
Exports to Haiti
Exports to Honduras
Exports to Hong Kong
Exports to Hungary
Exports to Iceland
Exports to India
Exports to Indonesia
Exports to Iran
Exports to Iraq
Exports to Ireland
Exports to Israel
Exports to Italy
Exports to Ivory Coast
Exports to Jamaica
Exports to Japan
Exports to Jordan
Exports to Kazakhstan
Exports to Kenya
Exports to Kiribati
Exports to Kuwait
Exports to Kyrgyzstan
Exports to Laos
Exports to Latvia
Exports to Lebanon
Exports to Lesotho
Exports to Liberia
Exports to Libya
Exports to Liechtenstein
Exports to Lithuania
Exports to Luxembourg
Exports to Macao
Exports to Macedonia
Exports to Madagascar
Exports to Malawi
Exports to Malaysia
Exports to Maldive Islands
Exports to Mali
Exports to Malta
Exports to Marshall Islands
Exports to Martinique
Exports to Mauritania
Exports to Mauritius
Exports to Mexico
Exports to Moldova
Exports to Monaco
Exports to Mongolia
Exports to Montenegro
Exports to Montserrat
Exports to Morocco
Exports to Mozambique
Exports to Namibia
Exports to Nepal
Exports to Netherlands
Exports to New Caledonia
Exports to New Zealand
Exports to Nicaragua
Exports to Niger
Exports to Nigeria
Exports to Norfolk Island
Exports to North America
Exports to North Korea
Exports to Norway
Exports to OECD
Exports to Oman
Exports to Pakistan
Exports to Palau
Exports to Panama
Exports to Papua New Guinea
Exports to Paraguay
Exports to Peru
Exports to Philippines
Exports to Pitcairn Islands
Exports to Poland
Exports to Portugal
Exports to Qatar
Exports to Reunion
Exports to Romania
Exports to Russia
Exports to Rwanda
Exports to San Marino
Exports to Sao Tome and Principe
Exports to Saudi Arabia
Exports to Senegal
Exports to Serbia
Exports to Seychelles
Exports to Sierra Leone
Exports to Singapore
Exports to Slovakia
Exports to Slovenia
Exports to Solomon Islands
Exports to Somalia
Exports to South Africa
Exports to South Korea
Exports to Spain
Exports to Sri Lanka
Exports to St Helena
Exports to St Lucia
Exports to St. Christopher-nevis
Exports to St. Pierre & Miquelon
Exports to St. Vincent
Exports to Sudan
Exports to Surinam
Exports to Svalbard & Jan Mayen Isle
Exports to Swaziland
Exports to Sweden
Exports to Switzerland
Exports to Syria
Exports to Taiwan
Exports to Tajikistan
Exports to Tanzania
Exports to Thailand
Exports to Togo
Exports to Tokelau
Exports to Tonga
Exports to Trinidad and Tobago
Exports to Tunisia
Exports to Turkey
Exports to Turkmenistan
Exports to Turks & Caicos Islands
Exports to Tuvalu
Exports to Uganda
Exports to Ukraine
Exports to United Arab Emirates
Exports to United Kingdom
Exports to Uruguay
Exports to Uzbekistan
Exports to Vanuatu
Exports to Vatican City
Exports to Venezuela
Exports to Vietnam
Exports to Wallis & Futuna
Exports to West Bank
Exports to Western Sahara
Exports to Western Samoa
Exports to Yemen
Exports to Zaire
Exports to Zambia
Exports to Zimbabwe
Exports Tobacco, Unmanufactured
Fed Capital Account Surplus
FHFA House Price Index MoM
FHFA House Price Index YoY
Full Year GDP Growth
Gasoline Production
GDP Sales QoQ
Goods Trade Balance
Grain Stocks Corn
Grain Stocks Soy
Grain Stocks Wheat
Heating Oil Stocks
Hiring Plans Announcements
Hospital Beds
House Price Index MoM
House Price Index YoY
Housing Starts MoM
Housing Starts Multi Family
Housing Starts Single Family
Import Prices MoM
Import Prices YoY
Imports from Afghanistan
Imports from Africa
Imports from Albania
Imports from Algeria
Imports from Andorra
Imports from Angola
Imports from Anguilla
Imports from Antigua
Imports from APEC
Imports from Argentina
Imports from Armenia
Imports from Aruba
Imports from ASEAN
Imports from Asia
Imports from Asia South
Imports from Australia
Imports from Austria
Imports from Azerbaijan
Imports from Bahamas
Imports from Bahrain
Imports from Bangladesh
Imports from Barbados
Imports from Belarus
Imports from Belgium
Imports from Belize
Imports from Benin
Imports from Bermuda
Imports from Bhutan
Imports from Bolivia
Imports from Bosnia and Herzegovina
Imports from Botswana
Imports from Brazil
Imports from British Virgin Islands
Imports from Brunei
Imports from Bulgaria
Imports from Burkina
Imports from Burma
Imports from Burundi
Imports from Cafta
Imports from Cambodia
Imports from Cameroon
Imports from Canada
Imports from Cape Verde
Imports from Cayman Islands
Imports from Central African Republic
Imports from Chad
Imports from Chile
Imports from China
Imports from Christmas Island
Imports from Cocos Islands
Imports from Colombia
Imports from Comoros
Imports from Congo
Imports from Cook Islands
Imports from Costa Rica
Imports from Croatia
Imports from Cuba
Imports from Cyprus
Imports from Czech Republic
Imports from Denmark
Imports from Djibouti
Imports from Dominica
Imports from Dominican Republic
Imports from Ecuador
Imports from Egypt
Imports from El Salvador
Imports from Equatorial Guinea
Imports from Eritrea
Imports from Estonia
Imports from Ethiopia
Imports from Euro Area
Imports from Europe
Imports from European Union
Imports from Falkland Islands
Imports from Faroe Islands
Imports from Federal States of Micronesia
Imports from Fiji
Imports from Finland
Imports from France
Imports from French Guiana
Imports from French Polynesia
Imports from French Southern Antarctic
Imports from From East Timor
Imports from Gabon
Imports from Gambia
Imports from Gaza Strip
Imports from Georgia
Imports from Germany
Imports from Ghana
Imports from Gibraltar
Imports from Greece
Imports from Greenland
Imports from Grenada
Imports from Guadeloupe
Imports from Guatemala
Imports from Guinea
Imports from Guinea Bissau
Imports from Guyana
Imports from Haiti
Imports from Honduras
Imports from Hong Kong
Imports from Hungary
Imports from Iceland
Imports from India
Imports from Indonesia
Imports from Iran
Imports from Iraq
Imports from Ireland
Imports from Israel
Imports from Italy
Imports from Ivory Coast
Imports from Jamaica
Imports from Japan
Imports from Jordan
Imports from Kazakhstan
Imports from Kenya
Imports from Kiribati
Imports from Kosovo
Imports from Kuwait
Imports from Kyrgyzstan
Imports from Laos
Imports from Latvia
Imports from Lebanon
Imports from Lesotho
Imports from Liberia
Imports from Libya
Imports from Liechtenstein
Imports from Lithuania
Imports from Luxembourg
Imports from Macao
Imports from Macedonia
Imports from Madagascar
Imports from Malawi
Imports from Malaysia
Imports from Maldive Islands
Imports from Mali
Imports from Malta
Imports from Marshall Islands
Imports from Martinique
Imports from Mauritania
Imports from Mauritius
Imports from Mexico
Imports from Moldova
Imports from Monaco
Imports from Mongolia
Imports from Montenegro
Imports from Montserrat
Imports from Morocco
Imports from Mozambique
Imports from Namibia
Imports from NATO
Imports from Nepal
Imports from Netherlands
Imports from New Caledonia
Imports from New Zealand
Imports from Nicaragua
Imports from Niger
Imports from Nigeria
Imports from Norfolk Island
Imports from North America
Imports from North Korea
Imports from Norway
Imports from OECD